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Feeding pet birds and possible dietary supplements.

Pet birds are popular and adorable companions that bring joy and beauty to our homes. However, providing them with a proper diet is crucial for their health and well-being. In this article, we will discuss feeding pet birds and possible nutritional supplements, such as NEKTAR-VIT by Tropical. How to feed pet birds  It is important […]

Probiotic helps dogs and cats

Amazing benefits of giving probiotic food to dogs 

Probiotic food for your dog’s health: Discover the amazing benefits  Did you know that the balance of bacterial flora in your dog’s intestines is of great importance to their overall health? For example adequate bacterial flora affects digestion, the immune system and many other aspects of health. If your dog has digestive problems, a weakened immune […]

Safe products for cats

Can Cats Eat Human Food?

This is a common question that cat owners often ask themselves. In this article, we will find out what human products cats can eat and whether they are safe to eat, and we should avoid.  What vegetables and fruits are safety for cats? Vegetables and fruits are essential components of a healthy human diet, but are […]